Episode 73 – Grinding the Gears & The 12 EV Trucks of Christmas

Episode 73 – Grinding the Gears & The 12 EV Trucks of Christmas

Welcome to the automotive podcast that loves lists.  On this episode of Throwin’ Wrenches, we talk through the “Top Ten” things that have ground our gears in recent months, and get quite a lot off of our hairy chests. Speaking…

Episode 32 – Ewy, Elon and Extradition (Send in the Green Berets)
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Episode 32 – Ewy, Elon and Extradition (Send in the Green Berets)

Welcome to the Auto-podcast that did NOT get 100 mill to be on Spotify exclusively! http://throwinwrenches.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/TW32.mp3 Sponsors: Fort’s Toyota of Pekin.  www.toyota-pekin.com CASEY LAW Office.  CLOpeoria.com YOU!  You can sponsor too!  Via PATREON you can help us offset those fees…