Christmas Special 2021 – Truck Tales With Mike Fort
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Christmas Special 2021 – Truck Tales With Mike Fort

Welcome to the automotive podcast that knows how to spread some holiday cheer. In this self-indulgent episode, our wish came true and we’re joined by none other than Mike Fort, namesake of Fort’s Toyota of Pekin. About our Guest…

Episode 48 – The Flying Targa Circus
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Episode 48 – The Flying Targa Circus

Welcome to the auto podcast that loves a rainy night. Is that another early 80’s song reference? You bet it is. It’s been raining cats & dogs here in Central Illinois for the past few weeks, and for some reason,…

Episode 47 – Amigos, Anchovies and Autonomous Accidents
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Episode 47 – Amigos, Anchovies and Autonomous Accidents

Welcome back to the automotive podcast that enjoys a nice bottle of chianti when we aren’t wrenching on a project or searching the internet for the latest automotive news. In fact, several former guests of Throwin’ Wrenches Podcast could be found…

Episode 34 – Copycats, Competition and Ceramic Coatings
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Episode 34 – Copycats, Competition and Ceramic Coatings We’re glad you’re back for another installment of the auto podcast that values its prep time… or perhaps we’re the auto podcast that needs some Red Bull before the show.  At any rate, we’re still working on the catchphrase….

TW Interview – Regan from Toyota

TW Interview – Regan from Toyota

We have had him on the show a few times… But we have never dove into the story of how Regan got to the hallowed position of Field Technical Specialist with Toyota. Along the way during this “interview”…  We talk…

Episode 17 – British Cars, a Gremlin and a side of Calamari

Episode 17 – British Cars, a Gremlin and a side of Calamari

Thanks for joining us on our 17th Episode of the Throwin’ Wrenches Podcast.  Daryl and I are thrilled to let you know that we are officially celebrating our little show’s one year anniversary as of June 11th!  Thanks to all…

Episode – Freddie, Film, and Five Hundred Million Dollars

Episode – Freddie, Film, and Five Hundred Million Dollars

Since Studio A is getting a set of whitewalls and fuzzy dice, the dynamic duo returns to Studio B  for a show about the usual automotive topics. We’ve got a projects update, customer tales, Daryl whines about his injured back…